Tuesday, 17 December 2019
Sunday, 15 December 2019
Last Goodbyes to S ❤️💔♥️
Thursday, 12 December 2019
Day 1 - Tauranga Digital Junior Camp - 10th-12th Dec
New Library Books!!
Tuesday, 3 December 2019
Ōpōtiki Birthing Unit March - 3rd Dec
Wednesday, 27 November 2019
Reaching Out - 22nd Nov
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
English Dept Appreciation - Planning Day - 26th Nov
Saturday, 23 November 2019
Y13 English Exam - 23rd Nov
Friday, 22 November 2019
SHHKA - Sudima Hires Heights Kids Always ❤️🙌🏼 - 22nd Nov
School Journals - 22nd Nov
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
Get Out, Do Cool Stuff, Return & Give Back - 20th Nov
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Te Reo Māori Adaptive PAT - 14th Nov
Wednesday, 13 November 2019
Y11 English Exam - 13th Nov
Thursday, 7 November 2019
Senior Prizegiving - 7th Nov
Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Spirit Day - 6th Nov
Sunday, 3 November 2019
Sunday, 27 October 2019
Fright Night - 27th Oct
Sunday, 13 October 2019
SLANZA - Living Libraries Tour - 13th Oct
Thursday, 12 September 2019
Ihumātao - Trip Cancelled 🤦♀️ - 12th Sept
Sunday, 11 August 2019
Word: The Frontline - Aug 11
Sunday, 28 July 2019
Ihumātao - 28th July 2019
Tuesday, 23 July 2019
Y13 English - Providing Options & Text Selection at OC
Providing options today...
Back in Term 1 my Y13 class and I had this EPIC day where we discussed and co-constructed text selection for the coming year. I'd chosen texts based off of what I thought would be suitable for a Y13 year with thematic connections and historical themes as well. However, they'd already tried reading the text the year previously and were not keen on the film.
That day we looked at film trailers and I took them over to the English department where I asked them to have a look through the texts that they were interested in. They came back with three texts: 'Animal Farm', 'The Book Thief' and 'Loves Me Not'.
When we got back to class - we talked more about these three texts and they began their reading from that point. Some continued reading several texts, some read and then stopped and started. Some finished. Some didn't.
Being Term 3 - with the knowledge that the texts needed to be read by now and that I wasn't sure whether they had or not (my problem - I should have been making them more accountable with their reading and shoulf have given them their novel study booklets back in term 1 and provided some sort of way to track their reading throughout the term... All learning and reflection!) I gave them the novel study booklets and very briefly went over the essay questions.
Last term they'd been wanting essay practice. I want them to be there - but without having read the text we can't do anything.
So today - I said, "If you haven't read the text yet - email me and tell me. I will send you a short story." I've since had two students own up and be accountable, emailed me and we now have a plan moving forward.
Awesome! Hopefully any others will still email me. And the majority will have finished/re-read the text by Week 3.
Week 5 exams!!! 😭❤️😂👐 So many emotions. We'll be sweet for film study essay. We'll have more time to do novel essays after the exams and prior to the externals.
If I can just have all my students feeling a LITTLE or a LOT more confident in their writing - then I've won. Therefore - we soldier on and finish close viewing.
A HUGE thank you Kim and Jaime from the Trident English Dept for their resources and benchmark exemplars, my incredible mate Pip at Mount Maunganui College for her ongoing support and to my incredible friend and colleague Tina Carlson from WHHS for the moderation during the holidays ❤️ #NgaMihi
#Y13 #evolutionandimagination #blogging #engchatnz
Tuesday, 2 July 2019
Te Rākau Ture - 2nd July
Saturday, 29 June 2019
Term 2 - Ōpōtiki College - 29th June
- Protest project and research
- BFG Chapter 3
Friday, 28 June 2019
A reflection - Tihi
Am teaching our 9&10 Maurua Tihi class (bi-lingual) and it's definitely been an experience! Many whanau hui, restorative hui and hoha lessons later - the girls and I FINALLY have the boys on our side (still more work to be done though!) and we're making headway with the learning. Am loving the new mahi we're doing on protests and the rangahau (research) coming out from this has been really special.
Am learning to remember that not everyone has the same foundational blocks they should have when they enter the year level and that if I want to survive, I MUST differentiate to find any success in achieving my awesome students.
Monday, 17 June 2019
Library Discussions - 17th June
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
The Eve of Mega-Strike 2019
In a few hours, I begin my strike.
Striking because:
*Teacher workload is real and so is teacher burnout.
* My students deserve better and so do I.
* I know that there are nights I literally cannot go to sleep because I'm thinking about EVERYTHING I need to do, ALL the issues I need to try conquer on behalf of my students the following day and mentally ticking off all the things I have done and still yet to do.
* Even though I have recently paid off my student loan, I am still not a good enough risk to the bank - I still can't buy a house on my own (even with my travel debt, kiwisaver deposit and MU, MMA responsibilities).
* I struggle to get the multitude of marking done. I spend hours and hours in the school library, in my classroom, in other spaces trying my hardest to get the marking done. It's just never enough.
* I need more time. More time to finish my marking. More time to create resources. More time to send info to parents. More time to engage with parents and students holistically. More time to develop better processes to ensure my workload doesn't get the best of me.
* I am overstressed, overloaded and underpaid. There is NEVER enough time to do the job. But I continue. Because I love my job. I love my students. I love this community.
Our students deserve better. Our teachers deserve better.
Come on Chris. I still believe in you. I know you have some money sitting aside somewhere. I know you have some awesome ideas in your mind of minimising our workload. We've got this. Let's do this. Please. Before there are none of us left.
#teachersareendangered #ppta #bringoutthebest #BelieveInUs ❤️
Saturday, 4 May 2019
Chimamanda Adiche's Ted Talk: 'The Danger of a Single Story'
Awesome korero. Check it out ❤️
The importance of avoiding listening to and only hearing One Story. There are many stories within people and of which we need to know before we make judgements. People need to feel comfortable sharing their own stories and share their perspectives.
If there was one story you've had shared about yourself, what else would you like people to know?
Me - a student asked yesterday if I went/go to MacDonald's a lot when I was growing up / now. That got my back up - because 1) I did grow up going to Maccas. I have a whole box of Maccas toys that I've lovingly kept for over 25 years. 2) I'm always going to revert back to that little kid who got mocked for her weight and am just now more decisive about how I respond to the question.
Another story I'd like people to know - is how hard I work to eat healthy food and how much I enjoy cooking and how much I enjoy gardening and how much I enjoy walking and running. These other stories are who I've always been. But sometimes my story has been hidden by my insecurity of my weight and also my hurt from growing up fat. All of the realities and the imagined realities that reinforced my thinking that I wasn't good enough. Other stories - how I have used my weight to keep people away from me. So that I wouldn't get hurt again in the future. Because it hurts to have your heart (and body) broken again and again.
Share stories. Be proud of all the experiences that have created you and acknowledge both the dark and the light in creating who you are now and who you will become ❤️
Wednesday, 1 May 2019
Y9 &10 Tihi Timetable Change
Yesterday I was told about an upcoming timetable change that would mean I have the Y9&10 Tihi kids on Monday Block 2 as usual and Y9&10 on Friday Block 4 as usual, however I would now have the Y9s during Wednesday Block 1 and a colleague would have the Y10s on Friday Block 3.
At first this timetable change confused me and I was unsure how this would affect 1) the dynamics of the class and 2) the programme of learning.
At the crux of it though - this means I can properly focus on the Y9s Wednesday mornings and get them prepped in a few ways.
* Building their reading capacity
* Practicing their writing
* Building their confidence without the Y10s to help them
* Developing more skills in English overall
This will also help me figure out who's Y9 and Y10 😂
Plus having that time with the Y9s will give me more time to get to know them individually and build them up.
Next thing to work out is how Fridays will work as my colleague will be taking the 10s Block 3 before they reunite as Y9&10 on Friday. I need to have a sit down with my colleague to figure this out asap. Because I now don't have a double block to teach them it makes it tricky (but also better too in some ways) to get full assessments completed - like the recent 'Sad Joke on a Marae' illustrative narration posters.
Wednesday, 24 April 2019
Creative Commons 101
Creative Commons licensing is CRITICAL. I've been saying this for years. I've presented at conferences about it and each time people are shocked when I tell them the reasons why we should be using them. Seriously - we need to be adopting CC licenses in our kura.
What is it?
A creative commons licence is an open source copyright platform used to protect individual and collective intellectual property eg school resources that you make for your students. There are a range of different ways you can protect yourself through CC and more importantly share these licenses on your work.
Why use them?
To me they're a better alternative to traditional copyright. More importantly - as you may or may not know - school boards of trustees own anything that is produced for the students at that school. Even if you create something in your own time, it will still be under the copyright of the school as you are employed via salary and employed by the school. Eg - the board of trustees own all of your resources you've made.
If you wanted to create a series of resources to share for example, you couldn't, because you don't own them. The school BOT does. You are illegally sharing resources if you do not have a creative commons policy in your school as you would be breaking copyright.
Another situation might be that you want to publish and make money from your series of resources - you couldn't because school doesn't have a CC policy. If it did - you could publish your work and use the CC licences of your choosing.
Also - if you've created resources in one school, moved to a new school - LEGALLY you can't take your resources. Because they're owned by the previous school's BOT under their copyright policy.
How do you use them?
Like I said above - there are different ways to use them. Usually I have BY-NC-SA -- meaning that if you used my resource you would have to say where you got it eg attribute my name in the adaptation, non commercial eg you can't make money from it, share alike eg you'd use it as is. To me - this is a very strong copyright. But flexible.
There are heaps of other options too though. And a really simple way of using them and figuring out which ones to use.
Where to access the licence?
Access it here: https://www.tohatoha.org.nz
There are heaps of helpful videos too and info for schools to use eg example policies and explanations of why we should use CC licensing.
Ngā mihi,
Alex Le Long
Thursday, 4 April 2019
First Term at Ōpōtiki College Review - 4th April
Sunday, 31 March 2019
OC Library: Update - New Books!!!
We've been so busy!!!!!!
Book club is going well.
I've weeded nearly ALL of the old magazines and am slowly distributing them to other teachers who might want to use them.
Yesterday Juls from the Ōpōtiki District Library came to help me with weeding the 700s and organising the chaos. We found SO many new books under the bench. Sooooooo many new books. Exciting!!! I straight up nearly cried. Frustrating but also awesome. Even a 2019 Guiness World Records. How early do you order those things? I thought it wouldn't have come out til early this year but someone obviously bought it last year and put it in a box and put it under the bench.
So much to learn.
So much to organise but we're getting there. The bench is clear. We have less books sitting in stack. Preferably I don't want a stack. It'd be great to have everything of use on the shelves. And weed anything that is irrelevant.
We're getting there. It's taking shape. I can see the vision in my head and now we just need to keep going. Bits and pieces and slowly we'll get there.
Loving the space so far. Moments of worry but also big moments of excitement.
Huge shoutout to Juls and my newbie librarians. ❤❤❤
Poetry Slam - Whakatane 27th March
Last week I took five students to the Whakatane Library and Exhibition Centre's Poetry Slam Competition.
I'd been talking about poetry slam and spoken word for weeeeeeks and finally on the day of, a bunch of kids decided they wanted to come. Mad dash to book the van and contact whanau, pick ups and heading over there.
Such an awesome experience!!
I'd already shared some of my pieces with my students so they knew what they were instore for with me, but the looks on their faces when others stood up and performed was incredible. It's hard to describe a poetry slam. But they get it now. Hopefully the connections we made on the night lead us to being able to create our own slam poetry club and comps at kura this year.
What was most cool for me, was seeing one of students who I'd been trying hard to connect with, stand and perform the poem he had written earlier that day while in class with me. He'd shown me it, not long after I'd presented a couple of mine to the class. Heartbreaking and raw and full of his truth.
When he presented to the audience, you could hear the collective love reach out for him and support him as he read on. A beautiful experience. After he'd finished, one of the poets shared a poem she'd written 16 years ago. A poem she'd written for her nephew. My student's poem had deeply resonated for her. The connection between her and my student was magic and filled with shared trauma and albeit, survival.
Afterwards, they talked together and she said that she hoped she'd see him again at the next one.
It's moments like these, small, precious moments, that make me remember why I love teaching and why I became a teacher. Because this is real. These moments are created to enable authentic learning experiences and the ability to develop and enhance our students.
When it came time for the judges critiques, all of us stood waiting. The koroua beside me grabbed a chair and sat down. He was waiting the longest. His poems were incredible. Even J was impressed. Side note: hilarious moments watching J learn how to snap for the poets. He'll be practicing for a while I think 😂
My students said they were getting nervous for me, as if the judges had forgotten about me because they'd thought my name hadn't gotten called out yet.
Then finally, they called my name. I stepped forward, listened to their feedback and feed forward comments. And got Runners Up. ❤
My new poetry idols Abraham and Surja(?) got 2nd and 1st.
I wish I'd gotten the koro to write his unicorn poem down for me. It was awesome. - Unicorns are horses. We chop their unicorns off and put them in paddocks because we fear them - we put our fears in a paddock and lock them away. There was more - but that's the gist. So. Deep.
All in all, an awesome experience. The kids were absolutely buzzing afterwards. Eager for the next competition in September. They said, "That's far away!" So - looks like we'll be having to create more opportunities like these. I'd love to take this group, my First Five, to the Frontline in Auckland.
Now - I need to sit down with Arana from Whakatohea and Abraham from BOPDHB to create a plan for our tauira. ❤ Exciting times ahead.
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
WoW Award - 27th March
Thursday, 14 March 2019
Leadership Material
This afternoon I talked with one of our DPs about how cool the PLD with Cathie Johnson from NZCER had been.
My DP commented that it was surprising that I hadn't gotten any leadership opportunities at my last school. I sighed and said that I'd tried. But got blocked in.
She said how at Ōpōtiki College it doesn't matter whether you have seniority or not - but if you're keen then you're given the chance to build on your skills and try something new.
Can I just say again - how much I love working at OC? I miss my Heights kids and my Heights colleagues - but I finally feel like I've found my fit.
Friday, 8 March 2019
OCLibrary: Progress Update
I'd say small changes, yet when people have been coming into the library they are impressed with the amount of space I've created so far. They comment on the vibe, the wairua in the library. People look around and actually come into the library now.
To be fair, I've caught out a few students trying to use the library as a thoroughfare and a circular roundabout to jump out at their friends walking down the corridor.
All these little things and yet, when students happen to walk in, I say hi and welcome them in. They are even more surprised when I ask them what their last book they read was. I'm getting quite a collection so far.
I have big plans for our library. I also have moments of true excitement where I can see the coherence and collaborative opportunities arise with the library as an information hub.
I want to create new posters and make our library a bright place to hang out in.
To do:
- make a reading log for the book challenge
- make or find new genre posters
- cut out the rest of the bookmarks for colouring in
- cut the edges of the laminated bookmarks
- make a wall display for 'What was the last book you read?'
- make a poster for the books to movies display?
- get the big library desk moved out and finish organising the new space in the corner
- bring a jug and milk to bookclub for Milos etc
- make a wall display for upcoming competitions and events
A Day in the Life
Last weekend we had an incredible Issues and Organising conference. It's always amazing. It always bolsters us. It also was, this time, quite triggering.
This conference brought back a lot of memories I thought I'd worked through. The korero around the Violence in Schools workshop and the korero in our Women's Network caucus meeting about the new government policy allowing people to have ten days leave to sort out issues due to Domestic Violence.
While I mentioned the struggles, I feel like this part of the korero is extremely important and overwhelmingly critical to share. Because we all have 'stuff' going on in our personal lives and we too are learning from these things, every day.
During conference I had the pleasure to meet with a reporter from the Daily Post. We discussed my thoughts on our PPTA president Jack Boyle's opening address and also my experiences as a teacher.
It's these experiences that are being shared all around the motu right now. I'm humbled that people share my experiences and that there has been much discussion generated from those comments thus far.
Teaching is and always has been for me, an emotionally charged, intense and sometimes problematic profession. Part of this I guess is how deeply connected I become with my students, colleagues and our community. At my leaving speech at Heights, my HOD talked about how compassionate I was and that sometimes, it was to my detriment because of how some of my students treat me - and yet I will consistently advocate for them, no matter what. Because that's why I became a teacher - so that if the need arose, I could be that lone voice in the corner of someone fighting to survive even just one more day at kura.
Being a teacher isn't just teaching. My much more experienced colleagues will say that that's what teaching used to be. Just teaching.
I've never experienced that. Not once.
I have experienced sharing food from my lunchbox, on multiple occasions. I have experienced de-escalating dramatic situations between friends and ex-friends. I have experienced moments of complete and utter disbelief, shock and awe. I have experienced times when I didn't know how I could carry on. But I did.
At times it got so bad I burnt myself out. Because I was trying to be everything and all to everyone else, lift them up and support as much as I could. Yet there was nothing left for me. I had to re-find myself and remember that if I can't save myself first, there is no way I can save or help anyone else.
Self care became a real thing. A necessary thing. A survival technique.
It's the strategies I now share with my students too. Mindfulness, breathing, avoiding coldsores by eating bananas and getting enough sleep.
Sometimes it's me sitting in my classroom, sewing a student's broken leather shoe so that it will last the rest of the week before they can get new ones. Other times it's me in class talking with a group of students who need extra support, tutoring or just some timeout.
Being a teacher is all this and more.
I chose to be a teacher. I choose to go to school every day. Because I love it.
But it's draining. And at times I honestly am drowning under the workload. I take on new roles and responsibilities to further develop my understanding. I have naps when I get home because I am so exhausted. But I do it. Again, and again. Because my students deserve the best of me. Because I know what it takes to be the best version of myself each day.
My students ask me when I knew I wanted to be a teacher. I was 12 years old. We'd just had a new foster child arrive at our house that year and I was fully and completely in love with her. She was nine days old when she arrived. We adopted her when she was three. She's now 18. For my sister's entire life, I've wanted to be a teacher. Because I taught her some of her first words. I helped her walk. I changed her nappies and fed her, bottled her despite her cleft palate.
I grew up knowing struggle. I grew up a kid who had to be resilient in the face of encroaching adversity. I knew that I had to be the best I could be, if only to get out of the small town that offered me no opportunities. I was the first to university. I have nearly paid off my student loan. I survived on $10 a week for food. And yet, I still wanted to be a teacher.
For all the commentary on teacher's wages - it's the workload and stress that make the job unmanageable. The pastoral care is part and parcel. The support and ever changing nature of our job, the need for new teachers and retention of current teachers is the reasoning behind the need for pay parity.
I thought to myself the other day, Not ever have I ever seen a lawyer go out and strike. Yet they do the same amount of study as we do. Why is that?
When we teach the next generation of doctors, nurses, lawyers, pharmacists, truck drivers, sparkies, builders, jockeys etc. We are also doing our best to inspire those students who could potentially become teachers to carry on our important mahi. But they need to see teaching as a viable career. Like I did when I was younger. And not just because they can change lives. But because teaching is and should be a valued career pathway.
With many thanks to all the incredible kaiako that taught me, to my two wonderful grandmothers who inspired me to be more than what I was expected to be, and to the people who broke me into pieces so that I could use my experiences to help others in their moments of pain and survival.
Ngā mihi,
Wednesday, 6 March 2019
Literacy Strategy Planning at Ōpōtiki College
I was reminded yesterday by a new colleague librarian from Tokoroa High School how fortunate I am with my new roles here at Ōpōtiki College.
When I got my job, I applied for everything I could because I wanted to be here in Ōpōtiki with my whanau. Plus of course, I desperately wanted and needed a challenge. The English Curriculum Advisor role is a really special one. It helps me connect with the teachers in our team and lift them up where they want/need. I'm able to deliver PLD and share resources, create resources with them collaboratively and design relevant programmes of learning for our students. I think part of the reason I got the job was my vision for an integrated literacy programme throughout the school using the 'Coast by Nature' framework.
I've already mentioned in a previous post about my excitement for teaching English and being able to 'look after' the library. I keep forgetting that the library is a full-time job in and of itself. For now though, it is what I make of it. I have a great team of Book Club students and this Thursday will get ideas from our English Department on what we need to do in our space to make it useful, functional and relevant to our students and staff wants and needs. I want the library to be an information hub. A place where students can get the information they need for their assessments. Where students can ask for help and be pointed to the right direction. Where students can develop more confidence in their reading skills too.
Last week my new role was announced. I've been given the Kāhui Ako / Community of Learning role as the Pedagogical Leader of Literacy. This was a big decision as my first focus has to be on uplifting the English Dept and building literacy throughout the school comes hand in hand with that. The workload was a serious outlier and one that I'm still navigating.
With these two roles as my pou, I can see my overall goal of lifting literacy have more focus and drive. Using the library as our main space to celebrate and build these skills is absolutely awesome and necessary.
I'm absolutely looking forward to the PLD this week with Cathy Dewes from NZCER. I'm a bit gutted about missing my 9&10 Tihi class again this Friday though!!
More thoughts to be thought. New Assessment Resource Bank (ARBs) to be thought of in relation to our goal of an integrated literacy programme throughout OC. Need to catch up with our social scientists and English kaiako for help with identifying what needs they have of the non-fiction section for their student's assessments.
Friday, 1 March 2019
Swimming Sports
Saturday, 23 February 2019
OC Library Vortex - 31st March
Me - "I'll only be a couple hours, K? See you when I get home!"
Also me, "Wow... It's already been six hours organising and tidying in the library. Probably should go home..."
😂 #OCbookclub #OpotikiCollegeLibrary #explore2019
I am beyond excited about my find at CREW today! A mobile book display for our OC Library!! ❤❤❤ Just needs a little bit of paint and it will look awesome with all of the new books coming into our library. Still so stoked with the amount of new books we found hidden in the boxes under the computer bench yesterday. Massive thanks to Juls from the District Library for all her mahi and help. And another awesome thanks to Vickee for introducing me to CREW today. Found heaps of new frames too to finally put my travel photos in ❤❤❤
Alternate Future Career Pathway: Librarian
- positive and negative experiences of using libraries
- what aspects you like about being in a library eg asthetics, seating choices, cool things your library does etc
- what aspects you don't like
- ideas for bringing students into the library eg competitions, food, book club etc
- ways to encourage staff members to use the library
- ideas for easy (and cheap) giveaways eg bookmarks etc
- any library geekiness I need to know
Monday, 18 February 2019
Powhiri at Ōpōtiki College
Officially part of the Ōpōtiki College whanau. A colleague asked me if it felt weird to be welcomed on after a week of being at school. Two weeks really because we were in planning and organising the resource room (read: chucking HEAPS of old resources from the 70s-recently). And yeah, it was a bit weird and also because it was only new staff and a couple international kids. The Y9s had been welcomed on last year during their orientation day.
The young man that did our wero was incredibly talented. I thought he was a Y12. Nope. He's a Y10 and in my Tihi class. I was thinking once we were sitting on the pae mo manuhiri that it would have been cool to video the powhiri and haka - but I guess it's also tapu due to the nature of the karanga and tikanga. It was so special though. I really want to learn the Whakatohea me Ōpōtiki waiata-a-ringa.
He waiata matou? Ma wai ra ❤
I also want my conversational Reo Māori skills stronger. Like right now. Bahahaha
After the powhiri, we had more LA time where we planned out some adulting classes for the Y12s and Y13s for the year. Then an awesome kai in the DC (Discovery Centre).
Had my first run through of all my classes. Started some good learning and my 11 English class had way less students in it so it was a lot more manageable. We talked about oriori and babies cranial softness and how histories were past on back in the ra. The end point being that our heads are tapu, and so are our hats and that's why we don't wear them inside, nor have our hats on the ground or the table. I said to them it was a moral thing whether they followed tikanga - but I'd prefer they didn't wear them inside... And don't get me started on the durags... (Facepalm emoji...)
My 13s and I planned out our first assessment - a public history/oral history assessment where they have to interview someone to create a Book of Wisdom. We are starting with a practice target - a member of staff. Then they will proceed to interview someone they think would be interesting in the community. I had a brainwave that we could also go to the old folks home (Thornton here) and ask if we could interview them.
The 11THI kids were hilarious again yesterday. Far. Crack up as. I'm so grateful for the relationships we built during the Tu Rangatahi programme. Those kids crack me up something chronic. They're just really cool too.
The 10 Tihi kids are honestly so cool. Super respectful of my crappy Reo Māori and willing to help me too. We also felt weird being over in mainstream - so that's something I need to talk about with Te Hira. Whether we're in my class or in KKU.
The kids Reo Pakeha ranges. Some able to write long sentences, some not so much. Having only the tens yesterday meant we could create those bonds before the nines turned up. Though I'd already met the nines the day previously with the testing for PAT. Now that I've met the tens - I have a way better idea of what we're dealing with in terms of our baseline. So we'll do bits and pieces of the junior POL but I also need to scaffold everything for the TIHI kids. Will need to make an entirely TIHI focused POL this weekend and finish off the junior POL too.
I still need to do some Connected Learners for all the Freyberg and other house kids with the testing. So resilient.
I colour-coded the Chromebooks. Yay! Will set up a booking system soon too.
Much more to do this weekend.
PAT Testing
Resilience from both myself and the students. Frustration towards NZCER - kicking kids off after two questions.
Best part - writing samples. First time to see all the kids focussed and getting their mahi done. Our space was all sorted. Still some students having issues. But getting the rest of it sorted today.
Stressful. Kids were cool.
Brain a jumble. Need to eat a proper meal and find some time to cook myself something. Maybe tomorrow morning for breakfast... Gotta shower and get ready for the Powhiri too. Early early Riise then?
First Day with the Seniors
I'll say this first and get it out of the way. I miss the KAL kids and the Heights kids. Course I do - six years there, many relationships built over the years and I missed the vibe I'd had with the KAL kids.
Today first up - staff briefing and karakia and waiata ❤ then assembly with all the new kaiako on stage. Me - awkward, standing up, waving, then a quick, quiet Kia ora koutou and sat down, perched on my seat.
Next - moving off to Ngata house meeting - am really looking forward to working with Matua Lance! He was so inspiring in his korero today - talking about his own education and work he's done before he became a teacher. It was good to be able to introduce myself then and there and welcome the new Y12s and 13s and also myself and Lance into Team Ngata.
Then - off to my classroom for LA (Learning Advisory) with LELN. I have the Y12 and Y13 Ngata students. They're pretty cool! I asked them to say their name, one thing they hated about last year and one thing they are looking forward to this year. Pretty cool responses too. Was good to get some questions early on from this group. I asked them what we could do to improve our class and there's absolutely plenty to be done. We sorted out the timetable for the day - Lines 1-5. I wrote it all out on the whiteboard only to realise it was super easy and pre-organised on the piece of paper they'd been given. They didn't need to know the lines and all that info I wrote bahahaha
My first class after interval was my Y13 English class -- Level 3 THI class (Thinking and Delving into Texts). I tried to start off with the POL and the texts we were going to do - but we (and I actually mean they) got straight into whakawhanaungatanga. It was awesome. I was a little drained afterwards haha just because it was rapid-fire 'get to know Whaea Alex'. Loved every minute. They asked me heaps of questions and I passed around my Europe bracelet and puzzle ring to see if they could recognise any of the countries and if they could put it back together. They all want to travel and think bigger. We talked about not feeling trapped and making sure that they had exit plans once school finished so that they were driven, passionate and ultimately wouldn't just be sitting at home next year with no goals. They are SO keen. Love this. The connection was fast paced. I haven't taught Y13 kids in ages and it was a surprising and positive first impression of the class. Can't wait for our year.
I caught up with Robyn and discussed the upcoming PAT test and we arranged a meeting for later on in the day to further organise it with Vickee :)
Level 1 English.... 38 plus kids. Surely. Absolutely bonkers. I got through half of them asking for their name and how English went last year for them. We broke down what NCEA stood for and I attempted to go over the course outline with them... But they were all over the place. Talkative, talking over each other etc. It took ages to settle them down - they will need loads of attention, scaffolding and strict but fair guidelines. Because far... Discussions were super hard. The girls were onto it and way focussed, quiet as too.... The massive amount of boys... Not so much. Once the kaiarahi organise the class a bit better - we'll have a much better start to the year I reckon. Lots of knew learning for me as it's a US course.
Level 1 THI - such a cool class! A few of my new Tu Rangatahi mates there too. Was awesome. The vibe was high as! They were excited to work with me and me with them!! So can't wait. I asked the kids what their names were, something I absolutely must know about them (hint: majority of them like pies 😂) and something they're looking forward to this year. We looked over the plan a bit and talked about what we'd be doing. I floated the idea of doing 'Part Time Indian' but they'd already studied it. So... I need to figure out another text. One of the Tu Rangatahi kids, Tana, was already bouncing ideas for his speech - not due till term 2. Love this class. So cool!!
Lunch - spent quickly eating food, and then having a visit from two of my Y13 students who talked about the year and what they were hoping to get out of it. One of them said they'd never sat in a class at lunch with a teacher and talked before... I said it was normal to me because at Heights we'd always hang out in class. One of them also said how gutted she was for the students at Heights, how they'd lost a good teacher, but how happy she was that they'd gained a good one :) happy chills!!
Sorted out the plan and details for the PAT testing tomorrow. Looking forward to this online testing version as the test changes as the kids progress based on their needs and abilities. Accurate testing!
Last up was LA. I forgot to check my emails before then as we were told the kids could leave once they had their timetables sussed to remove any blanks. They all rushed off once we found out. I was trying to stall for time and then once we were told - they were gone. Not much of a good bye or see ya later. I missed KAL so much at that moment. Our vibe isn't there yet in LELN. But we'll get there, I hope.
Much more to be thought about and processed. But am happy we had such a good day and that other than the 38 Y11 kids ... There were no issues and I made heaps of new connections or at least beginnings of connections today. Stoked.