Why use Twitter for PD?

Well... here is a great post to say why.. Thanks to Craig Kemp! Love your posts and totally agree with you about using Twitter for PD. Quick and accessible

When you've agreed to use Twitter and have your own amazing blog started to record your own reflections and so that you too can partake in blog challenges etc - you may want to embed your twitter account stream into your blog - learn how to do that here.

Twitter can be quite full on - but there are a few basics you need to know:
- Hashtags are important.
- Follow like-minded people
- Tweet professionally if you are using it for a professional learning network
- Be careful what you tweet but have fun too
- It is awesome.
- You may need to use Tweetdeck or Hootsuite eventually
- And check out Storify too to collate your awesome discussions.

Here is the Twitter Cheat Sheet I compiled:
And here are the workshop slides to help educators to being using Twitter:

Since creating this page - I've actually gotten overwhelmingly obsessed with using Twitter - mainly because it's free PD, accessible 24/7 and there are always incredibly supportive people ready to talk at a moments notice. I love that my friends on Twitter have become this massive network of educators who I can share and learn from every day.

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