Sunday, 31 March 2019

OC Library: Update - New Books!!!

We've been so busy!!!!!!

Book club is going well.

I've weeded nearly ALL of the old magazines and am slowly distributing them to other teachers who might want to use them.

Yesterday Juls from the Ōpōtiki District Library came to help me with weeding the 700s and organising the chaos. We found SO many new books under the bench. Sooooooo many new books. Exciting!!! I straight up nearly cried. Frustrating but also awesome. Even a 2019 Guiness World Records. How early do you order those things? I thought it wouldn't have come out til early this year but someone obviously bought it last year and put it in a box and put it under the bench.

So much to learn.

So much to organise but we're getting there. The bench is clear. We have less books sitting in stack. Preferably I don't want a stack. It'd be great to have everything of use on the shelves. And weed anything that is irrelevant.

We're getting there. It's taking shape. I can see the vision in my head and now we just need to keep going. Bits and pieces and slowly we'll get there.

Loving the space so far. Moments of worry but also big moments of excitement.

Huge shoutout to Juls and my newbie librarians. ❤❤❤

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