Sunday, 3 November 2019


This year has been a mindf*ck. In both incredibly positive and also gut wrenchingly terrible ways. 

Going into this year - I knew it was going to be tough. Living here in Ōpōtiki of course would be hard. The constant introduction of myself to people he omitted me from knowing about. That constant introduction weighed me down. But it could have been fine, had he not been working at kura too. There are days that I just see him. All the time. He's just there. Doing his own thing. It's weird. We barely talk. If at all. Sure it's partly me, but it's also him too. 

So far we have: 
* New school
* New processes / aligning with my own
* New students
* New colleagues
* New Community
* New environment
* Seeing my dad at school
* Sometimes talking with dad at school
* Getting counselling to deal with seeing and talking with dad at school
* Ongoing triggers and daddy issue stuff being woken up in me at weird times
* Introducing myself to people I meet that are cool who he happens to know well apparently but they don't know about me
* Trying to reconnect with my own whanau here (sisters, nieces, nephews etc) and stopping myself before I get started
* Isolating myself because it's all just too much

And then.... 

There is the other, everyday normal stuff. 

* Dealing with behavioural stuff from students
* Ringing home, making connections
* Planning cool programmes of learning
* Collaborating with other staff members / wanting to find time to do so
* Checking uniform
* Checking attendance
* Checking in on my dept and colleagues
* Doing PLD
* Having meetings about important stuff
* Developing a deeper understanding of how things work at Ōpōtiki College
* Moderation
* Marking
* Collecting assessments in, printing them, attaching coversheets
* Making connections with students
* Duty
* Building house spirit
* Sharing in delicious food on Friday interval when I have duty 🤦
* Etc

And then... Of course...

* Teaching

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