Mōrena koutou!! Am reaching out in hopes that you have some cool resources, readings, advice, PLD support etc for me.
In my year as curriculum advisor - I've sought help from around the country, within my school and online from around the world. Thank you to everyone who has answered my questions thus far. 🙌
I have massively high expectations of myself and I still don't think I'm doing the job justice. With that in mind, we've actually had an incredible year - built cohesion and collaboration in our dept, made some serious changes to how we do things and are continuing to develop a more coherent and consistent focus for the coming year.
Our internal moderation processes are strong and we collaboratively plan units, programmes of learning etc. My dept quite willingly welcome me into their classrooms and engage with me when I've done walkthroughs or ask for feedback for help with students while I'm in class, have built more confidence in themselves and their marking.
I just know I need to keep growing so I can be of most benefit to others but also to myself and my aspirations. As a Curriculum Advisor, Head of Department, TIC - what support have you been given, or found, that have supported you in your role? What further support or PLD would you encourage someone to go on who wants to be further developed as a leader, who has aspirations of one day... very much in the future, of gaining a principalship.