
Saturday 10 October 2015

Blogging for Beginners - Breakout 2

This will essentially become a collaborative post once we both add in our different bits and pieces.

At the moment though - before I think too deeply about how it went I'd just like to say a massive thankyou to Nathaniel for allowing me to be a part of this new journey! Was an absolute pleasure presenting with you e hoa. For all my procrastination - I hope I didn't disappoint you! Think we did pretty well really and most people seemed to enjoy it. Wish we'd done some quick feedback at the end though.

Our presentation slides are here:

Kahoot Quiz for those playing at home:

Crowdsourced Padlet from Twitter buddies - Why Blog:

Crowdsourced Padelt from Blogging workshop - What we might learn:

List of newbie bloggers here:

General Takeaways:
I was initially overwhelmed by the quick uptake of both EdBlogNZ and our sign up sheet for our workshop. Even more surprised that our workshop filled up so fast! Perhaps we needed to offer a couple of sessions? Maybe next year!!

I always feel a bit jittery before presenting but feel like I'm slowly becoming more confident and am able to present a lot better. Would love some feedback and feedforward - am I talking too fast, am I mumbling, do I help enough etc etc etc

It was cool to be able to share the teaching and facilitate the session. I find it funny that I do so much prior knowledge and checking in with the audience just like I do with my own students. Partly because I was aware of how disengaged I was in the last breakout and wished we'd been properly asked about our level of understanding throughout the session- so I made sure to keep checking in with our audience to gauge their understanding. 

I liked the digital mihi at the beginning and that Nathaniel did his i te reo Māori before explaining i te reo Pākēhā. Mine was a bit more jumbly and switched between both languages and I didn't include my maunga nor much of my throwbacks. But think I captured my true essence in my pics! Mia, siblings, twitter and selfies. Haha

It was cool to see all of the attendees actually create their own blogs and become so involved in the discussion. Think I should only have had maybe 8 Kahoot questions and made them even simpler perhaps - hopefully they take the app and use it in their class as they do with the Padlet.

Am wondering how many listed their blogs into our shared doc as well:

Am hoping they all work together and keep writing after ULearn. It's a kickstart that we all need. And it's important that we all push ourselves to keep writing, curating information and developing and evolving our thought processes.

EdBlogNZ challenges are still running!

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