
Tuesday 12 August 2014

On the Importance of Commenting on Blog Posts...

Kia ora ano whanau,

Well passed my bed time - however there is one more post I need to write for now -

During the recent #edchatnz conference we talked about the importance of commenting on each others' blog posts. We talked about the kinds of teachers and parents who read our blogs and yet might not be on Twitter. There is a HUGE blog reading community that we need to engage with. To do that better we agreed we would be more active in writing comments to each other for blog posts.

So far I have read at least 8 different blog posts in the last two days - and I have commented on at least six of them.

Why do we need to do this? To role model good commenting practice for our students. To share our thanks and thoughts to the person who wrote and made public their own ideas. To make public our own experiences and ability to connect relationally with the person in which we are reading about. But above all of that - it's polite, good digital citizenship practice and gives a tiny bit more oomph to the person writing so that they'll continue and know that they have a following..

The stats are all well and good - but it's nice to get that connection with your followers too :)

So comment up a storm. Comment on Twitter too, but make sure you comment also comment on the post you read.

And thanks for reading and learning with me on my own journey thus far :) Hope you keep on reading too and sharing your stories and thoughts with me :)

- A


  1. Well said, Alex! I will definitely make a much bigger effort - starting now. :-)

  2. Alex - great to see you sending out a blogging challenge...visible differences :)

    1. Thanks Jo! Am looking forward to seeing more commenting on everyone's blogs :)

  3. Great to meet you tonight through E-portfolios @ Selwyn. I have found your blog. And in light of this post...a comment.
