
Tuesday 17 June 2014

On time for my flight... YUSS

When you're an hour early you can be a little smug.

A huge comparison to my thoughts and anxieties last time I was here and I'd missed my plane.

My nan always would be at least an hour early to everything. That includes dropping me off to school in the morning from when I was 16. Not exactly the cool thing to do. But at least I was on time. And I could have walked anyway. So... option one was always first choice despite being a relative loner for the first half an hour at least in the morning. Eventually I'd muck around in the morning to avoid being THAT early. I got smart.

Or... as I've learnt as I've grown up... stupid.

Mucking around only makes you later. And makes it look like you were meaning to WAG rather than just being a little late so it looked 'cool'. And then you get into trouble and get one of those 'reputations'.

Reputations at high school are really difficult to get rid of.

For example my reputation for hanging out with the stoner kids, and the Christian kids, and the delinquent kids and the weird witchy girls and the girls who had their own kind of reputation.

It just so happened that since the age of five years old I've been increasingly a social butterfly that likes to make new friends through new connections and then like to web them all together... so more of a social butterfly spider... but a beautiful and harmless one :P

Perhaps that's why I tend to create a huge range of people around me and have a multitude of friends and people who I know - and then a closer circle of friends who I know really well... and then about 5 or so incredibly close mates who are more like sisters/brothers.

I don't quite know why this post went from being on time for my flight to talking about the kinds of friends I have... but there it is.

Yuss. Stoked I'm early. Looking forward to a day of organising the Network of Establishing Teachers Conference for next year :) And then tomorrow... discussing some more issues around NET stuff. Love Wellington. Hopefully it won't be toooooo rainy or windy. And looking forward to catching up with my cousin - who isn't really my cousin - but her granddad is my granddad's sisters husband. And really my cousin is my little sister's best friend. But we act like we're sisters. It's weird. She's weird. Probably why it works :)

Anyway... thinking that's enough of this post for now. Mhmmmmm. :)

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